André Nordal Sylte

André Nordal Sylte

Ansvarlig for digital rådgiver studiet og Design thinking kurs

André jobber som Strategy Lead and Product Owner hos DNB, han bistår virksomheter å utforske, designe og lansere nye verdiforslag samt å utvikle deres innovasjonsstrategi og -kompetanse. André har tidligere jobbet i Deloitte og i Creuna.

About André: He is working with businesses to explore, define and implement new strategic growth initiatives and value propositions, as well as developing their corporate and innovation strategies.

He has ten years of experience in improving how businesses innovate, generate new and optimise existing revenue streams. André has worked across a range of countries and industries, involved in developing innovation strategies, business models and propositions in financial services, manufacturing, transportation, biotech and more. He is passionate about design thinking and big business innovation, and how these companies can create new value.

Holder kurs i: Design sprint, Forretningsutvikling og Design Thinking, Digitalt lederskap og Tjenestedesign

Foreleser ved studiet: Digital rådgiver, forretningsutvikling